The MISA Group puts its network of experts to work, consisting of representatives of mining and exploration societies. With only one project, the innovating enterprise joined the majority of payers of the Quebec mining industry, showing how it has become a true technological showcase.

Your enterprise then receives validation and constructive suggestions about your innovation from these experts. Moreover, it will be the opportunity to develop your own business network with your potential customers. Besides, your experience during the consultation of experts will be documented and archived.

The role of the MISA experts network stands on three levels:

  • Validate the relevance of innovation (relevance of business and market, and the evaluation of the technical and business viability) to make the mining operations grow;
  • From the very beginning, to identify the partners and mining operations that will be a test bench and then the proof for the concept;
  • Once registered to the network of experts’ agenda, the innovation project will be monitored by mining societies’ members of the network.

Innovation project activationInnovation project piloting

Contact us

The network of experts of MISA regroups mining operators by field of competence :

Each field represents approximately 75 % of the active mining divisions of Quebec. It means a particularly significant industrial market validation.

Geoscience & drilling
Ore processing
Continuous improvement
Rock extraction
Digital transition
Mining environment

How does MISA help you prepare?

Your enterprise will achieve, with our support, an executive summary to well introduce your project

We will assist you in the elaboration of your presentation. Thus, your project will be worthy a key proposition and relevant to the industry

We will help you reformat documents designed for the industry, both in substance and form

We will ensure to optimize the industry’s representatives’ time

If a survey is sent to the industry, we will assist you to build the questions’ content elements